Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Popular belief is that everything in this world has a purpose and today I was in the showers and it hit me that even pain and suffering have a purpose in this world.
We have all heard of sayings like ‘when life gives you Lemonade make Lemons and life will look and be like-WHAT!?!? Or ‘What doesn't kill you makes you stronger or “Rise above the tide.’ and more. All these saying are driving at showing us that pain and suffering are meant to build our character and resilience. 
 Never understood why the tales of most successful people always start with suffering? Well this is because the pain they experienced at that point in their lives drove them towards a profound character that guided their way to success.  Drake in his song calls it ‘Starting from the bottom’. I also went through hardships some time back in my life. Those hardships have since changed me in to who I am right now; they have built and shaped my character and philosophy in this life. Am not the kind that wears my hardship on my face for everyone to see but rather the kind that puts makeup  on and pretends to be happy so most people who know me didn’t even notice but that time in my life has changed the way I look at the world and sure as hell changed my attitude towards people. Guess this is what Kelly Clarkson calls coming out stronger in her song ‘stronger”
Of course not everyone who goes through hard time comes out with a built character, for other hardships destroy them and that’s why the worst people have too gone through hardships that turned them bad. We all face hardships but how you deal with them is what differentiates all of us. whereas some of us chose to draw insight from them others will chose to curse every one and become terrible people.
Suffering and pain are can be emotional as well as physical and any one of them has an effect on people’s character. Whereas some people commit suicide due to emotional or physical pain others chose to rise above the tide and surf it to the shores.
Often we find people that have endured a lot of pain in their lives and these guys are happy and have moved on to become better people.
For the Christians we all know that Jesus Christ too went through hardships, he spent 40 days in the desert and came out stronger, he suffered death and upon his resurrection he was stronger and defeated death. Job who was formerly a wealthy man went through hell and back, he lost his kids, animals and all his wealth but his faith in God and his character never wavered, he did not turn in to a thief or anything of that kind but embraced his suffering and in the end his character was built.
So when you go through hardships remember that they are part of life and do not let them destroy you but rather rise above them and come out stronger.

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