Saturday, June 8, 2013


This may be my best quote at this time in my life, ‘All ends with beginnings’. Looking at nature its easy to realize that this is another law of nature. From the practical perspective, when the sun sets, the world will not remain dark but rather the moon and stars come to life. When a day ends, it’s not the end of life but rather another day springs up and no matter how long and dark a night is, morning will surely come with relieving light.

It is not only a theory but rather also a scientific fact: looking at the life cycles of every living thing you will realise that every ending is a beginning. Every day and second on earth a life ends but also a life will be born. Scientists call it the balance of nature. And even out of dead bodies, plants will grow.
The theory was popular among the Egyptians and Greek Mythologists.  It had been captured as the Legend of the Phoenix.  In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn.   The legend of the Phoenix has been around for centuries. The Phoenix was a supernatural creature, living for 1000 years. Once that time is over, it builds its own funeral pyre, and throws itself into the flames. As it dies, it is reborn anew, and rises from the ashes to live another 1000 years.
The legend of the Phoenix was also popular among the early Christians who for them the phoenix was a symbol for renewal.
Looking at the story of our Lord Jesus Christ, out of his death sprung new life, he rose powerful and a conqueror.
The rationale for this article is that often when things end in our lives, we feel like the world has come to an end be it an ended relationship, a job, a friendship gone sour, a loss of a loved one or even a bad ending to one career especially for sports people. However, like as the legend puts it, you ought to know that endings are beginning for new stuff in our lives. You should see endings as beginnings of new things in your life. But whether that new life is good or bad depends on you.
There are people who after a relationship has ended they think it’s the end of the world well am telling you on the contrary that it is the beginning of another time in your life and you can chose to make that life worth living.
Yes it’s true that usually after losing a job it’s only normal to feel bad but that is not the end of your life. When such endings happen, you should be like the phoenix which at the end of its life, new life sprung.
I’m currently at the point in my life were I have just completed my LLB degree and well it’s the end of a certain era in my life BUT it’s also the beginning of another era in this same life. The design that should fashion this new beginning in my life is entirely my choice and am bent on making it worthwhile. One of the things am thinking of at this time is that its time for the young lion to leave the parent pride and start a pride of its own.
Well all endings are beginnings and this end in my life will sprout new beginnings for me.
I encourage those people who are going through endings of whatsoever sort that those endings are beginnings for whatever sort of life you choose.

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