Friday, June 28, 2013


Ugandan history has really been at war; a war that never ends. It is not always fought on the battlefield. It is a war that has been a brutal struggle for good and accountable leadership. It has been a struggle that has always involved the formulation of new constitutions, deposition of totalitarian regimes and a continued hope that one time we will finally get it right and have true democratic processes in this country. And hope that in the end the people and good leadership with a larger vision will triumph.
In a country that is being governed by old people and nothing seems to be going the right way as we are lagging behind. It is important that young people realize that they have a higher stake in the future of this country and they have to do more to get back this country.
In a country with unemployment shooting through the roof, unprecedented corruption, high taxes, non competitive markets, a very weak currency, an outdated education curriculum, tribalism, the poorest health system, a nonexistent manufacturing industry and poverty, young people have to renew their spirit of leadership and take charge of their country.
In a country where the leadership think they own it just because they spent five years in a bush and become leaders and as such have the natural right to loot this country in bid to make us pay for their years they spent in the bush even though no one asked them. They think that Uganda would not have existed if they did not go to the bush as if it did not exist before.
Make no mistake, it is true that these guys have had a contribution towards this country as did my ancestors and every other Ugandan’s ancestor before we were was born but that did not give them the right to own Uganda and destroy this country.
Contrary to what these guys tell themselves to justify their theft in this country, the development of Uganda has been a partnered effort of hard working Ugandan teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, engineers and business men and women all of whom have contributed their fair share towards the development of Uganda through Service and sacrifice and payment of taxes. These people are unselfish Ugandans and their only want is to see the next generation prosper and move forward.
However for some reason we have a leadership that thinks they own our country, they steal public funds and their defence is ‘Where were you when we were in the bush fighting?’ They are non patriotic Ugandans who prefer holding on to power rather than caring for what is best for this country.
Ugandans have to understand that Uganda’s development is not only attributed to the present generation but also to the past generation and as such we are also accountable to the future generation to ensure that we live Uganda better than we found it.
 No single Ugandan owns this country; it is a nation that has always belonged to the people who existed before us, to the present generation and to posterity (those that will come after us).   
Young people in this country have to renew their spirit and change the events of our country. We the young people have to end this era political intrigue, tribal politics, politics of appeasement, and politics of manipulation and usher in a new era of change that gives a fair chance to every Ugandan, where positions in Cabinet or in any government office are not used as political pawns but rather are given on merit and ability to serve.  
Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. -Joan Wallach Scott
 In order for us as poor and oppressed people to become part of a society that is meaningful, the system under which we now exist has to be radically changed… It means facing a system that does not lend its self to your needs and devising means by which you change that system. - Ella Baker
One of the things that have to be faced is the process of waiting to change the system, how much we have got to do to find out who we are, where we have come from and where we are going. - Ella Baker
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama

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