Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The bible notes that leaders will be judged strongly than ordinary people. Legacy is simply evidence of ones work on earth. It is ones influence even after one has passed on.

Looking at Kiprotich’s continued success, influence and humility throughout it all, one cannot miss to realize that Kiprotich has built himself a legacy and is still strengthening it. It is a legacy that will be an inspiration to majority of Ugandans for generations to come. Like some of the Ugandan greats before him such as Aki Bua who no doubt his 
 legacy provided inspiration to this generation’s great, Kiprotich and even to Inzikuru.

There is a saying that to whom a lot is given, a lot is expected. It is important that every Ugandan of whatever stature works on their legacy be it in sports, politics, and family and even in our professional.
Kiprotich’s success has come at the time when majority of Ugandan leaders have abandoned building their legacy and concentrated on keeping power at all costs and a massing material wealth.

H.E Museveni has tarnished his legacy and has little or none to ride on when he leaves this world. Benjamin Odoki the former Chief Justice after having built his legacy by contributing to constitutionalism and rule of law has now chosen to abandon the principles for greed and money.

What’s certain is that our legacy is the only thing we shall take with us when we die. We shall never be buried with any material accumulations and most of them fade or are taken by our children. It is only our legacy that will survive us; people will get to judge us by what kind of legacy you leave behind. For leaders of this world what we truly have and what will remain of us in the end are the books of history that will talk about us, the lives of people that will change positively because of us. In the end legacy is what matters; what kind of leaders, sport personalities and social personalities will posterity read of you and consider you to have been?

Will posterity read that you were the kind of person who spent money for the sick and dying people to lavish your lifestyle and in broad day light justify such an evil selfish action by saying that “you fought in the bush” or will you be the Prime Minister that has amassed personal wealth by stealing tax payers money? I say both are not good legacies to leave behind.

Looking at Africa’s greats, Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, Patrice Lumumba, Jomo Kenyatta and even our own Jonan Luwum, all five of these guys knew of hard and challenging circumstances but they did not compromise their legacy.
Nelson Mandela had heard of a South Africa that had acute infections of the disease of apartheid but he treated that disease as justly as he could without using it as an opportunity to enrich himself. Patrice Lumumba had heard of a DRC that was under Belgium rule and fought for its independence. Jonan Luwum had heard of a Uganda where Idi Amin the then President was without legal cause killing innocent Ugandans. All these guys stood up for what they believed in and thought was right. They built their legacy and kept it so that we and other generations to come may find inspiration in their work.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Whoever said the game of true love is not for the faint hearted wasn’t kidding. It’s probably one of the riskiest games as it involves emotional ties. Rihanna compares true love to the dangerous game of Russian roulette. She says:
 “and you can see my heart beating. You can see it through my chest Said I’m terrified, but I’m not leaving. I know that I must pass this test so just pull the trigger”
Now the game of Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against their head, and pulls the trigger. It involves the element of risk-taking and the spinning of the revolver’s cylinder being reminiscent of spinning a roulette wheel. This game originated from Russia and was usually played along with shots of Vodka.
When you truly love someone, you are giving yourself away to that person. The bullet in the head in the essence is the fact that your lover may not love you back or dump you or the fact that you never moved on after the loss or death of that lover.
Probably one of the best love story of all time Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare explains the dangerous and neediest side of love. When Romeo learnt of Juliet’s death he decided to kill himself rather than live without her. He bought a vial of poison from a reluctant Apothecary, sped back to Verona, drunk the poison and took his own life at Juliet’s tomb. At the same time, Juliet awakes and sees her beloved Romeo and realizes he has killed himself with poison. She kisses his poisoned lips, and when that does not kill her, buries his dagger in her chest, falling dead upon his body.
Love has the ability to make you feel glorious but also has the ability hurt you deeply and the faint hearted should never experience true love only that very often than not they experience it.
Ancient Mythology was not silent about true love. Cupid is the most famous of Valentine symbols and everybody knows that boy armed with bow and arrows, and piercing hearts. He is known as a mischievous, winged child armed with bow and arrows. The arrows signify desires and emotions of love, and Cupid aims those arrows at Gods and Humans, causing them to fall deeply in love. Cupid has always played a role in the celebrations of love and lovers. In ancient Greece he was known as Eros, the young son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. To the Roman’s he was Cupid, and his mother was Venus.
Cupid is depicted to be holding a bow and arrows because in the ancient time bows and arrows were one of the best weapons used in war that would quickly and stealthily kill their intended victim. This showed that love in its nature has a dangerous and often stealth nature and quite frankly sure that if those ancient guys had guns, that baby would be shown holding a silencer gun or a silencer pistol instead of the out dated bow and arrow.
True love is the utmost feeling that manifests in unselfishness, sharing, caring and love of your lover above self yet often if poisoned or poorly guided manifest itself as dependency and neediness for your lover. With true love there is a feeling that you have seized to be an independent person but rather your emotions become intertwined with your lover emotions which is sometimes a good thing.
Often True love has to be fought for and tested. It may come on a silver plate or as result of calculated moves but either way it has to be fought for, tested and proven. This is why I say that true love is not for the faint hearted, it is for the strong warriors that would go to the end of the earth and back fighting for their true love.
Every one experiences love at some point in their lives but only a few experience true love. True love is deep love, deeper than ordinary love. It is the joining of two souls to be one and feel each other. The bond of true love is hard to break and cause a lot of pain and suffering when attempting to break them. One of the times when you can feel this bond is during sex.
True love is sweet and a blissful place but is also a game of Russian roulette and any time the bullet may hit you. My advice is that when you are lucky enough to experience true love, make sure you enjoy every moment of it to the fullest because time always comes when you miss it. We love many people in our lives but only true love is experienced with a single person in a lifetime.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Life in my eyes: TIPS ON HOW TO GET A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP: One of the most common dilemmas is that why it’s hard for some people to find relationships that work out. Some people every 5 months or ...


One of the most common dilemmas is that why it’s hard for some people to find relationships that work out. Some people every 5 months or less keep changing lovers / relationships as though they are cars. But despair not; today I’m giving you practical solutions to your predicament.
The mistake made by most people is that they only follow their hearts when making relationship decisions. Many factors must be considered before making any emotional or relationship decisions. It is for this reason that I recommend that all of us should have relationship advisors preferably one of our friends.
We have to accept the fact that we are now living or moving towards a fast world and as such the dating system in this generation is non-functional and does no longer meet the needs of the 21st Century.  This means that new alternatives should be invented.
One solution I recommend is that before you enter a relationship, it is imperative that you first make a feasibility study like those made before investing money in any business. This means intense research so as to find someone with a very good compatibility rate.
What should be included in the feasibility study for your relationship?
    First and foremost is finding out what you really need or want: is it a relationship, a fling, a friend or a lover.
    if it is a relationship that you seek find out and list down your specifications and expectations of the relationship and also list down the primary ones (those you can’t compromise on) and the secondary ones (those you can compromise on)
    Upon finding that out, you should embark on a search for a person who fulfills your requirements.
    If there is already someone in line, then match those requirements and see if he or she meets your specifications and expectations.
    As soon as that is ascertained, make research and find out the expectations of your potential suitors and see if you can meet them or if you can match them.
Do not just blindly fall in love and end up in a relationship because your heart says so, use your brain.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Duty, Honor and Country

“The code which those words perpetuate embraces the highest moral laws and will stand the test of any ethics or philosophies ever promulgated for the uplift of mankind. Its requirements are for the things that are right, and its restraints are from the things that are wrong.” General Douglas MacArthur
Today as my hair was being trimmed by this barber who was talking good care and precaution trimming my beard; I could not help but remember and compare him to the barber who had previously trimmed my hair and beard. That prior barber was a disaster to my hair, In addition to trimming it without care and precision, he also caused reactionary pimples in my beard. This was because he seemed not to be interested in his work and lacked the love for it.
As this barber was trimming my hair neatly with due precision, I realized that he liked his job and enjoyed doing it.  I continued to think that perhaps the reason why Ugandans are corrupt or do unsubstantial work or have no regard for the rule of law especially when it comes to soldiers or why armies in Uganda have always been personal armies, it is because Ugandans have never understood the meaning of duty, honor and country.
Those three words should be the rallying point of every Ugandan citizen whether in the Executive, legislature, Judiciary, army or even the public service.
Those words respectfully dictate what every Ugandan ought to be, what they can be and what they will be.
Ugandan history has been marred by selfish Ugandans be it in government leadership, army, public service who place their interest above the interest of the country. Over the past years our country has been marred by coups, human rights abuses, corruption. This is because we have never understood what is expected of us as Citizens of this beloved country as leaders, public servants, army servants or even as private citizens.
We have a motto that reads “FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY” but we have and shown utter disregard for that motto. In Uganda we have never had an army loyal to its people but instead we have seen every regime coming with a different army. Armies in Uganda are loyal to their leader rather than being loyal to Uganda and its people.
Uganda has suffered as a result of corruption and misappropriation of state funds by people who shame the honor that comes with being a citizen of Uganda and serving as a Citizen of this country. This all has shown that Ugandans have never understood their duty towards this country that we all call home.
It is for this reason that we have had indiscipline’s in the armies that have pretended to serve Uganda. Such armies have facilitated coups, looted other neighbouring countries minerals and disregarded human and constitutional rights all the way proving that they lack the essential citizenry code of honor, duty and country.
These three words should be the basis for our revival as a nation, the basis for revival of our national character, the return of meaning and purpose of the nations creed ‘For God and my Country’ and a new foundation that will make posterity grateful that their forefathers in the end fought for the revival and betterment of the motherland Uganda.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Life in my eyes: A RENEWED SPIRIT OF LEADERSHIP: Ugandan history has really been at war; a war that never ends. It is not always fought on the battlefield. It is a war that has been...


Ugandan history has really been at war; a war that never ends. It is not always fought on the battlefield. It is a war that has been a brutal struggle for good and accountable leadership. It has been a struggle that has always involved the formulation of new constitutions, deposition of totalitarian regimes and a continued hope that one time we will finally get it right and have true democratic processes in this country. And hope that in the end the people and good leadership with a larger vision will triumph.
In a country that is being governed by old people and nothing seems to be going the right way as we are lagging behind. It is important that young people realize that they have a higher stake in the future of this country and they have to do more to get back this country.
In a country with unemployment shooting through the roof, unprecedented corruption, high taxes, non competitive markets, a very weak currency, an outdated education curriculum, tribalism, the poorest health system, a nonexistent manufacturing industry and poverty, young people have to renew their spirit of leadership and take charge of their country.
In a country where the leadership think they own it just because they spent five years in a bush and become leaders and as such have the natural right to loot this country in bid to make us pay for their years they spent in the bush even though no one asked them. They think that Uganda would not have existed if they did not go to the bush as if it did not exist before.
Make no mistake, it is true that these guys have had a contribution towards this country as did my ancestors and every other Ugandan’s ancestor before we were was born but that did not give them the right to own Uganda and destroy this country.
Contrary to what these guys tell themselves to justify their theft in this country, the development of Uganda has been a partnered effort of hard working Ugandan teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, engineers and business men and women all of whom have contributed their fair share towards the development of Uganda through Service and sacrifice and payment of taxes. These people are unselfish Ugandans and their only want is to see the next generation prosper and move forward.
However for some reason we have a leadership that thinks they own our country, they steal public funds and their defence is ‘Where were you when we were in the bush fighting?’ They are non patriotic Ugandans who prefer holding on to power rather than caring for what is best for this country.
Ugandans have to understand that Uganda’s development is not only attributed to the present generation but also to the past generation and as such we are also accountable to the future generation to ensure that we live Uganda better than we found it.
 No single Ugandan owns this country; it is a nation that has always belonged to the people who existed before us, to the present generation and to posterity (those that will come after us).   
Young people in this country have to renew their spirit and change the events of our country. We the young people have to end this era political intrigue, tribal politics, politics of appeasement, and politics of manipulation and usher in a new era of change that gives a fair chance to every Ugandan, where positions in Cabinet or in any government office are not used as political pawns but rather are given on merit and ability to serve.  
Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. -Joan Wallach Scott
 In order for us as poor and oppressed people to become part of a society that is meaningful, the system under which we now exist has to be radically changed… It means facing a system that does not lend its self to your needs and devising means by which you change that system. - Ella Baker
One of the things that have to be faced is the process of waiting to change the system, how much we have got to do to find out who we are, where we have come from and where we are going. - Ella Baker
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama

Monday, June 10, 2013


Well this is a principle that women in Uganda have mastered more than men perhaps because it has been embedded deep in our cultures. Uganda has been a predominantly a patriarchal society however this is changing and however much hostile Ugandan men are towards this fact, they will have to change and adapt. In the words of John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA, Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.  Uganda is heading towards equality. This means that Uganda will be a society with both Patriarchal and Matriarchal tendencies.
A matriarchal society is a society in which females especially mothers have the central roles of political leadership, moral authority and control of property.
It is no doubt that Uganda is heading towards being a society of both male and female dominance. The Marriage and Divorce bill may have been successfully shelved again but make no mistake it will one time and soon pass in to law and total equality of women sought in that bill will be achieved.
So then since it’s passing in to law can only be delayed but not prevented what is the way forward for the Ugandan men?  
 Charles Darwin (1809-1882) English Naturalist said,” it is not the strongest of the species that survive, or the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Economic Intrinsic Value of Marriage Partners is a theory I have developed that I think is the solution.
This essentially means that before you enter a relationship with any woman; make sure that they have a certain economic value in themselves that they are willing to bring to the table in that relationship. This is because partners with an economic intrinsic value can be regarded as an end in itself.
As a previously male dominated society, what mattered most for guys in marriage was the pretty face and some basic kitchen skills since at that time her sole purpose was reproduction and house work. However with the current change of the tide women are taking on similar roles as men. This means that it is no longer prudent to just marry a pretty face but rather a face that has economic intrinsic value.
There are people with a dangerous stereotype that women with pretty faces and economic intrinsic value do not exist, this is false. Consider the current Commissioner General of URA, Allen Kagina, she is a pretty face with economic intrinsic value, am sure her husband is a happy man because even though the marriage and divorce bill is enacted in to law, he will never be affected.
If you are a young man or a rich man in Uganda at this point thinking of marriage this is some good advice for you. The deal maker for marriage should not be simply love or a pretty face but the rather the economic intrinsic value of your woman. Is she going to also among other things contribute economically to you marriage or relationship or she is going to be the type who relocates you to the village after the hefty and costly divorce of 50-50% property division.
If you are cohabiting (not that I Condon cohabitation) is your cohabittee also actively contributing to the wealth of the household? Passive contribution is no longer important, she has to actively contribute.
Women have been employing this principle when choosing a marriage partner; its time men did the same.     
In summary you can’t expect to meet the challenges of today with yesterday’s tools and expect to be in business tomorrow. When change comes, you up your game so as to survive. In the words of Winston Churchill (1874-1965) British politician, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”

Saturday, June 8, 2013


This may be my best quote at this time in my life, ‘All ends with beginnings’. Looking at nature its easy to realize that this is another law of nature. From the practical perspective, when the sun sets, the world will not remain dark but rather the moon and stars come to life. When a day ends, it’s not the end of life but rather another day springs up and no matter how long and dark a night is, morning will surely come with relieving light.

It is not only a theory but rather also a scientific fact: looking at the life cycles of every living thing you will realise that every ending is a beginning. Every day and second on earth a life ends but also a life will be born. Scientists call it the balance of nature. And even out of dead bodies, plants will grow.
The theory was popular among the Egyptians and Greek Mythologists.  It had been captured as the Legend of the Phoenix.  In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn.   The legend of the Phoenix has been around for centuries. The Phoenix was a supernatural creature, living for 1000 years. Once that time is over, it builds its own funeral pyre, and throws itself into the flames. As it dies, it is reborn anew, and rises from the ashes to live another 1000 years.
The legend of the Phoenix was also popular among the early Christians who for them the phoenix was a symbol for renewal.
Looking at the story of our Lord Jesus Christ, out of his death sprung new life, he rose powerful and a conqueror.
The rationale for this article is that often when things end in our lives, we feel like the world has come to an end be it an ended relationship, a job, a friendship gone sour, a loss of a loved one or even a bad ending to one career especially for sports people. However, like as the legend puts it, you ought to know that endings are beginning for new stuff in our lives. You should see endings as beginnings of new things in your life. But whether that new life is good or bad depends on you.
There are people who after a relationship has ended they think it’s the end of the world well am telling you on the contrary that it is the beginning of another time in your life and you can chose to make that life worth living.
Yes it’s true that usually after losing a job it’s only normal to feel bad but that is not the end of your life. When such endings happen, you should be like the phoenix which at the end of its life, new life sprung.
I’m currently at the point in my life were I have just completed my LLB degree and well it’s the end of a certain era in my life BUT it’s also the beginning of another era in this same life. The design that should fashion this new beginning in my life is entirely my choice and am bent on making it worthwhile. One of the things am thinking of at this time is that its time for the young lion to leave the parent pride and start a pride of its own.
Well all endings are beginnings and this end in my life will sprout new beginnings for me.
I encourage those people who are going through endings of whatsoever sort that those endings are beginnings for whatever sort of life you choose.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Popular belief is that everything in this world has a purpose and today I was in the showers and it hit me that even pain and suffering have a purpose in this world.
We have all heard of sayings like ‘when life gives you Lemonade make Lemons and life will look and be like-WHAT!?!? Or ‘What doesn't kill you makes you stronger or “Rise above the tide.’ and more. All these saying are driving at showing us that pain and suffering are meant to build our character and resilience. 
 Never understood why the tales of most successful people always start with suffering? Well this is because the pain they experienced at that point in their lives drove them towards a profound character that guided their way to success.  Drake in his song calls it ‘Starting from the bottom’. I also went through hardships some time back in my life. Those hardships have since changed me in to who I am right now; they have built and shaped my character and philosophy in this life. Am not the kind that wears my hardship on my face for everyone to see but rather the kind that puts makeup  on and pretends to be happy so most people who know me didn’t even notice but that time in my life has changed the way I look at the world and sure as hell changed my attitude towards people. Guess this is what Kelly Clarkson calls coming out stronger in her song ‘stronger”
Of course not everyone who goes through hard time comes out with a built character, for other hardships destroy them and that’s why the worst people have too gone through hardships that turned them bad. We all face hardships but how you deal with them is what differentiates all of us. whereas some of us chose to draw insight from them others will chose to curse every one and become terrible people.
Suffering and pain are can be emotional as well as physical and any one of them has an effect on people’s character. Whereas some people commit suicide due to emotional or physical pain others chose to rise above the tide and surf it to the shores.
Often we find people that have endured a lot of pain in their lives and these guys are happy and have moved on to become better people.
For the Christians we all know that Jesus Christ too went through hardships, he spent 40 days in the desert and came out stronger, he suffered death and upon his resurrection he was stronger and defeated death. Job who was formerly a wealthy man went through hell and back, he lost his kids, animals and all his wealth but his faith in God and his character never wavered, he did not turn in to a thief or anything of that kind but embraced his suffering and in the end his character was built.
So when you go through hardships remember that they are part of life and do not let them destroy you but rather rise above them and come out stronger.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


There are very many kinds of women, today i’m looking at the type I call ‘BEAUTIFUL MESS’..
A beautiful person is one that is pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically.
A mess on the other hand is a dirty or untidy state of things.
Jason Mraz in his song ‘beautiful mess’ defines such women as strong but needy, humble but greedy. He adds that their style is quite selective but their mind is rather reckless. They are the kind that will hurt you without any remorse. You will love them and they will leave you without any reason why and they will tell everyone how you deserved it. Perhaps the only reason they may give you is that “…it is not you it’s me…”.
When they hurt you they will leave you messed. Usually the messed up guy will stay messed for most of their life unless they figure out a way to move on. Most of these guys resort to being players or bad boys.
Many women have never understood why some guys are bad boys or players, well the answer is that they fell in love with a pretty girl, they enjoyed sweet love until the bitch woke up one day and left the guy in ‘cold blood’.
Many of you have seen marriages were the couple loved themselves so much and after a while even with kids the woman says she no longer loves the husbands and opts for a divorce leaving the guy messed. Well this is the example of beautiful messes.
These women usually have no idea what they want, it’s about convincing them and if something or someone else convinces them more than you do then they will leave you.
A characteristic of these types of women is that they don’t stick to one man; they fall in love with many guys and usually have many marriages and break ups or divorces.
To draw this in perspective I’m going to use examples of celebrities since we can all associate with them.
Jennifer Lopez’s has been with Sean Combs, before being with Ben Affleck while still married to her second husband Cris Judd. Her first husband was Ojani Noa and recently got divorced from her third husband Marc Anthony.
On the other hand we have Beyonce Knowles who even though she is pretty, she has been married once and is still married to Jay z.  So before you fall in love or even get married make sure you woman is not the Jennifer Lopez type but rather the Beyonce type.
So then those two examples should help you understand what I mean by BEAUTIFUL MESS.
One characteristic of beautiful messes is that once you date them and break up with them, you usually never remain friends or at least you never stay in contact.